Thursday, April 26, 2012

One Year Anniversary Celebration

Wow, has it been a year already?  I have learned so much in the year and honestly can't believe the success I've had already.  I'm looking forward to what the following year will have to bring.  I'm still shaping Stitch Silly and continuing to look for new creative products and ways to get our name out, but for now I just feel blessed with everything I've accomplished so far.

Since I don't have a huge inventory I am not having a large blowout sale to celebrate making it a year, so instead I wanted to share a list of some of my favorite blogs that I read.  Some of them are fellow crafty blogs, some are general DIY blogs, some are about frugal living, and some are just out there place fun.  I hope you enjoy reading through them.  Many of them I have found over the course of this past year as I learned and grew my business others I have been reading for years. 

Do It Yourself Divas is a great site for DIY moms.  They are incredibly fun and energetic it makes me want to DIY 24/7 sometimes. 

Living a Frugal Life is a great site that I use to help me find fantastic deals to help keep our expenses to a minimum.  They've actually convinced me to give a try again.  Now I just need to install in on my home machine to start printing them out.

Ambassador Crochet is always motivating me to not completely write off crocheting with her beautiful work. 

The Mogul Mom is all things mom and business.  It's a great motivation to read all their advise all the time. 

And finally, Flotsam of the Mind.  This is my cousin's blog which is always a great inspiration when it comes to parenting. 

What are some of your favorite blogs that you read regularly?

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